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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Let's Get it Started in Here!

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Laozi

Let’s start this off by stating some inconvenient truths.

1. Living comfortable feels good.
2. Getting a paycheck every 2 weeks is awesome!
3. Death is inevitable.
4. There is something out there for everyone.

Living comfortably feels good. Seems silly, but think about it. You enjoy waking up in your own bed, picking an outfit from your closet, driving your car to work, eating lunch at your favorite diner, going to the gym after work, and grabbing a drink with your friends. We have a habit of developing routines that turn into our comfort zone. I would recommend trying something new. It can be as simple as trying sushi for the first time. You may like it, you may not, but either way you will have learned something about yourself at a minimal expense.

Getting a paycheck every 2 weeks ties into the above section, but it can be imprisoning. Plain and simple, do not become a slave to a salary job. As nice as the money is, you have the rest of your life to develop a career and make money.

This website shares more in depth concepts like living the life society suggests you live.
Everyone battles the age old dilemma.

Once you have found what you like, nothing will make you happier. If you have not found it yet, keep searching because it is out there.

Basically what all this boils down to is... The time is now. You can procrastinate all you want until it turns into regret.

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